Handerpants – underpants for hands. They promise finger support, and are touted as a “solution to a problem you didn’t know you had.” Manufacturers Archie McPhee say: “Once in a generation a product comes along that redefines how the world works.”
Uhmm…I’m just not sure if this is one of them…LOL!!!
Bennett Cerf, Dr. Seuss’ editor, bet him that he couldn’t write a book using 50 words or less. The Cat in the Hat was pretty simple, after all, and it used 225 words. Not one to back down from a challenge, Mr. Geisel started writing and came up with Green Eggs and Ham – which uses exactly 50 words.
TONIGHT’S TOPIC: How long do you really want to live? Tune in and join the discussion on why so many people maintain lifestyle habits that they know aren’t beneficial. Is it that they truly don’t want to live a long life? Or maybe it’s something they think is unattainable because of their family’s history.
Nothing lasts forever. While we know this, how much do we keep it mind as we move through our daily lives?
Recently, I’ve been contemplating the gross disintegration and looming demise of one of my most impactful relationships to date. As useless as it often is, regret sometimes enters my mind and I wonder how much time was wasted trifling over the more frivolous details as opposed to enjoying and celebrating the great aspects of the relationship. But what if you could use regret “beforehand?” (more…)
J. Sakiya Sandifer is an author, motivational speaker and philosopher. With his innovative ideas, uncompromising energy and unorthodox approach, he has received much success and acclaim and is steadily moving closer to being one of the great thinkers of our time. MESH Culture caught up with Sandifer to talk about the man, the movement and the mission.
First off you don’t seem like the typical philosopher or motivational speaker as young black men are largely underrepresented in this industry, why did you choose to get into this profession and has it been hard to succeed and get to the point where you are?
It was back in 2005 2006, a voice inside me said, “You’re going to be in front of people, so get ready!” I really didn’t know what it meant, yet it felt so right to me that I decided not only to listen to it, but to embrace it. I was slowly but surely becoming obsessed with being in front of people to share my ideas in a verbal form. (more…)
I will be doing a book signing for “Thank You And You’re Welcome” at Leaders1354 located at 672 North Wells from 1pm to 2pm today…see all my Chi-town people there!!!
If a police officer responds to a burglary call, finds someone with a driver’s license AS WELL AS a work ID with the same address of where they are currently standing, and then the said found person ends up getting arrested for being for being overly agitated…then I’m in total agreement with Obama with this one!!!
This totally reminds me of the Dave Chappelle skit from Killing Them Softly.
My fellow thinkers…share thoughts on the solution!!!
TONIGHT’S TOPIC: Are there any professions that you won’t date? A lot of ladies say no to gynecologist and men say no to strippers.  Why is this so? Tune in and share your thoughts and experiences!!!
This collection by photographer Zhu Yunwei is entitled “black and white/dark and light”. Each portrait consists of two portrait shots of each person – one with opened eyes, the other with closed eyes. He then integrated the two pictures into one portrait, resulting in the calm but unnatural expressions.
In the beginning, he planned to do some very basic experiments to convey some common emotions. Being a young chinese student who’d just arrived in a completely different country, he experienced some strong, deep cultural conflicts. Living overseas resulted in the different way of THINKING for him while working on this project…a common theme expressed in artworks by other chinese artists such as Xu Bing or Miao Xiaochun. (more…)
“People get caught up in wonderful, eye-catching pitches, but they don’t do enough to close the deal. It’s no good if you don’t make the sale. Even if your foot is in the door or you bring someone into a conference room, you don’t win the deal unless you actually get them to sign on the dotted line.”
The process of becoming better begins with an open mind to change…simply because it’s impossible for anything to become better while remaining the same.
And although your mind is open to something new, it’s important that you never lose your sense of self in the process.
It is your sole responsibility to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.
An inspired life will bring clarity to your thinking and thought process! A disciplined thought will lead to disciplined action which delivers disciplined results. I’ve been on this journey as a life long learner scrapping every piece of knowledge to explain the happenings of life. How do we overcome hardship, adversity and challenging obstacles, what is the best and most resilient method? I wonder is it our attitude, skills or knowledge that builds effectiveness in the way we lead. I strongly believe it is the seed we plant, the investments we make in nurturing, cultivating and plowing the dirt to ensure a healthy harvest of fruits that we can reap. The road less traveled is uncommon, but worth it since it allows you to maximize your potential. (more…)
TONIGHT’S TOPIC: Civic responsibility…are there more pros or cons for not getting involved? Tonight’s guest, Carmelo G. Garcia, Director of Hoboken Housing Authority, says he has the answer.
Tune in and share your thoughts and experiences!!!
David  10:22am
hey man,
just wanted to say that ive got ur book
think think think
and show some support from australia
Sakiya  10:29am
thanks…what did you think of it?
David  10:31am
well to be honest, i think that ever person has different problems and there is never one stock standard response for all, yet think think think provided a new way of thinking, and it wasnt about the problems yet how they could be handled  (more…)
This thought came to me while in the city last Friday. I had a meeting at a hotel in Soho that normally has a doorman. For whatever reason there wasn’t one when I arrived. Not that opening a door for myself is a big deal, it’s just when my expectations aren’t met, my mind tends to wonder.
I began thinking about all of the doors of opportunity that have been opened for me in the past and how I’m doing the same for others now. The thought that stood out to me the most was regardless of who opens a door for you, it will mean nothing if you don’t choose to walk through it yourself.
Unfortunately I’ve seen too many people on my journey who haven’t understood that it is their sole responsibility to make that choice. Often they looked for someone else to carry them over the threshold like the husband is to do for his new bride…and I’m not sure if that still really happens except for in the movies…LOL!!!
I know this might sounds really simple, but like most things in life…it is! So I urge you…don’t become a master of making the simple complicated.
Pop artist James Cauty’s work “Splatter” repurposes classic Warner Brothers and Hanna-Barbera cartoons and gives them a Sin City-style blood spatter makeover, “presenting the viewer with unrelenting acts of bloody, cartoon violence, which, in cartoon law, ultimately cannot cause fatal injury.”
Uhmm…I’m not sure what to think about this one…but at least he got me to think!!!
“Before success in any man’s life he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of men do.”
“Whatever qualities the rich may have, they can be acquired by anyone with the tenacity to become rich. The key, I think, is confidence. Confidence and an unshakable belief it can be done and that you are the one to do it.”
I’ve learned that most people who have achieved success solved problems as they came to them. They either figured them out for themselves, or was helped along the way through powers that were known and unknown to them. Regardless of the obstacles they met, they kept going.
You don’t need to know all your answers in advance to solve a problem or to reach your goal. But you must have a clear idea of the problem or the goal you want to reach in advance.
Don’t procrastinate when faced with a difficult problem. Break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time. A key factor is to know where you’re going. You will be amazed how the answers will seem to magically appear!!!
BISMARCK, N.D. – Police responding to a domestic disturbance arrived at Stacey Anvarinia’s home to find the mother breast-feeding her 6-week-old baby in front of them. And she was drunk, they said. (more…)
I’m always amazed with the thoughts and questions that come to me when I spend time alone…and yesterday was no exception.
It’s ironic that my dominant thought was asking myself what is my most dominant thought, how does it define me and why?
It’s perfectly clear to me that I defined myself mostly by the role of father first, career second, and friend/relative third. I still haven’t figured out the why yet…but I’m sure the answers will come.
Since the release of Beyonce’s song “Ego” (which I liked from the first listen), I’ve noticed that a lot of people are embracing having a big ego. I take no issue with this because I understand that there are a lot of people who have never had a strong sense of their ego and this gives them justification in doing so.
Although there only might be a thin line of difference, there is a huge difference in having a “big ego” and being “ego driven”.
One difference that I find in the two is a “big ego” starts and ends with itself , while being “ego driven” is when you have a strong sense of self.
Of course I think that I’m the latter and here’s why…as much as I feel like I’m all that, I know that I’m not all there is!
I really think when you’re really ego driven, it allows you to be really open to other people egos. I’m never threaten by someone else’s strong ego because I will never allow it to take from mine.
Like I wrote in my first book, “Everyday is an opportunity to become better…take advantage!” My ego demands of me to live by this! And it’s not because it’s overinflated, but more because it’s never satisfied with what it has done…all due to being super focused on what it can do!
Another difference between a “big ego” and being “ego driven” is this…a “big ego” requires praise…being “ego driven” requires only recognition…THINK ABOUT IT!!!