CSU’s African American Male Resource Center, the Women’s Resource Center, Latino Resource Center, Dept. of Student Activities, University College & Residence Life would like to invite you to attend a free networking luncheon for both male and female students, staff, and faculty at Chicago State University.
 Tuesday, May 4, 2010
 Cordell Reed Student Center Rotunda
“The questions challenge the beliefs, morals and foundation of “your world”…Sakiya proves his innovative talent as a wordsmith and utilizes each word to its creative capacity.” Melody Hoffman, JET Magazine
“The contents of this book possess a concept which is as vital to the human mind as water and oxygen are to the human body.” Harry O’Brien, Collingwood Football Club
BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO READ MY LATEST LITERARY EFFORT! All pre-orders will be shipped prior to release date of March 22,2010, PLUS the first 250 fellow thinkers to order will receive a signed and numbered metallic ink cover edition.
The Muslim Problem:
Clarity in the age of the Anti-Muslim Industrial Complex
By Preacher Moss a.k.a Undercover Muslim
A while ago, a good friend, and fellow thinker, Sakiya Sandifer, asked me to compose and article on the recent and tragic shootings at Fort Hood military base. As I watched the news, the words “killer, Muslim, terrorist, and Islamic seemed to role across the screen as it made its way in the context of conversation being offered by the journalist. It appeared, in a continuing trend, that the media was looking to take the actions of alleged Muslim gunman’s act of terror, and immediately try to connect his actions to a fundamentalist, violent, radical, but extremely profitable and marketable form of Islam. I affectionately call this making doe on the “Muslim Problem. For those who are new to this, welcome to the world of the Anti-Muslim Industrial Complex (AMI Complex) my friends…or maybe not.
If you want to know what the Muslim problem is, I would submit to you as Example A, (more…)
The process of becoming better begins with an open mind to change…simply because it’s impossible for anything to become better while remaining the same.
And although your mind is open to something new, it’s important that you never lose your sense of self in the process.
It is your sole responsibility to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.
David  10:22am
hey man,
just wanted to say that ive got ur book
think think think
and show some support from australia
Sakiya  10:29am
thanks…what did you think of it?
David  10:31am
well to be honest, i think that ever person has different problems and there is never one stock standard response for all, yet think think think provided a new way of thinking, and it wasnt about the problems yet how they could be handled  (more…)
I’m always amazed with the thoughts and questions that come to me when I spend time alone…and yesterday was no exception.
It’s ironic that my dominant thought was asking myself what is my most dominant thought, how does it define me and why?
It’s perfectly clear to me that I defined myself mostly by the role of father first, career second, and friend/relative third. I still haven’t figured out the why yet…but I’m sure the answers will come.
You are constantly in my thoughts and I miss you terribly. Even as I type this, my heart smiles as I think of our conversations about what I should or shouldn’t being doing…and how you would always get on me for saying “but” after all of your points. ”Buutttt” you know that I have to question everything before I accept it…LOL!!!
Just know that I’ll be forever thankful that your words will not allow me to be an average man!!!
TONIGHT’S TOPICS:Â SEXUAL ABUSE AMONG CHILDREN — It’s more common than not! Could it be due to society, as whole, not really talking about it? Unfortunately, the chances are high that either it has happened to you or someone you know. Tune in and be a part of the solution!!!
When you really think about it, all that really matters is the moment that you’re in right now. And how you respond to this very moment will have the greatest impact on your moments to come. (more…)
TONIGHT’S TOPICS: Have you ever had a great idea, but just didn’t know how to make it happen? Have you ever said…”if only such-o-such could hear my idea!”? Most likely yes, because we’ve all been there and probably heard ”it’s not what you know, but who you know” when given advice.   We discussed the power and the importance of your circle of influence in obtaining your goals.
I just did what I think is the most bogus radio interview possible. There’s no need to disclose the station or on-air personalities because their buffoonery will get no shine here.
One aspect of fame/celebrity that I’m learning quickly is the reality of being treated as someone without feelings. As I cut the interview short, I wondered how it would’ve gone if I hadn’t actually used the principle of “Never Justify Your Behavior With The Wrongs of Others” from Thank You and You’re Welcome to keep me focused.
Trust me when I tell you that for a split second, my thoughts went from “Thanks for having me on your show to discuss our book”…to “Uhmm, what did you just freaking say…I will punch you in your fucking face!!!”…to “I WILL NOT LET THESE JERKS WIN!!!”
I’m not against interacting with people who disagree with me…hell, I actually encourage it because it’s a great way to learn and become better. But to have someone put so much effort to get an interview just to incite a negative response is senseless to me. It’s definitely a great misuse of time, which I feel is the greatest asset in life.
There is nothing I can do to get those 5 minutes back, so the best thing to do at this point is to chalk it up as a growth moment of what not to do again.
A message to all who are interested in interviewing me in the future…please don’t waste time attempting to provoke a negative reaction from me…instead let’s have a healthy, productive exchange of ideas that are based on good-intentions!!!
In “Thank You And You’re Welcome”, a couple of theories of how to obtain happiness was presented. One of which was “2 keys 2 happiness”. The first key is being able to tolerate things that make you unhappy. The second key is being able to change things to make you happy.
I now present a third…being mentally loyal to oneself. And that loyalty is defined by never confessing to believe in something that you don’t believe. Having this discipline in your life will give you that extra boost needed during the down times…and trust me, there will be down times when chasing your dreams!!!
TONIGHT’S TOPICS: Join us as we discuss how the internet has either created or exposed a lot of critics in the world who unfortunately have a mindset of destruction.
TOPICS INCLUDED: ”serving yourself well” and how recently a lot of people are now into eating healthier foods and using more natural products, but should also focus on changing the way they think.  And of course…The Thinker’s Thoughts!!!
Way before Pharrell and crew became major on the scene, I would often define myself as a cool nerd. I can still remember the countless hours of delight spent making slightly pornographic images run down the TV screen created on my Commodore 64. I know that ’s really dating myself, but I willingly do so in an effort to prove my point.
Now I know some of you maybe thinking…uhmm, Sakiya…that makes you more a “nerdy pervert” than a “cool nerd” . Being that you might have a point, the following list outlines what I think best describes the quintessential cool nerd… (more…)
Check out the premier episode of  We Think Radio with myself and co-host Leandra Williams that aired live tonight. Hear the excitment as we delivered very powerful, thought provoking as well as entertaining commentary with one goal in mind…to spark those who are seeking to create a positive change in their life.
Topics included: Special Needs Children, valid reasons for having children, the selfishness/selflessness of creativity and of course “The Thinker’s Thoughts”.
This is the last one…it was such a good conversation, that I had to post. It’s very rare for me to capture someone having a paradigm shift in real time due to my philosophies of life…and believe me when I tell you…they were ready to shut me down!!!
For all those who have read our books, this is a good example of how I apply them in life. Moments like this really get me amped to speak in front of people!!!
This is footage shot before the show on Jan. 18th at 98.7 KISS FM’s “The Week in Review Showâ€�. I’ll be posting the full interview tomorrow. It was one of my best to date!!!