Artificial Paradise, Inc is an experimental film anticipating a future where a major corporation has developed an unique software, based on organic virtual reality, which holds all the lost memories of humankind. Â User will be able to connect to this database of the forgotten.
This concept makes me wonder if we’ll be able to send emails from our memory in the future?
A shower which uses a natural filtering principle called phyto-purification. Â The living plants recycle and reuse wastewater, producing drinkable water.
“Think not of yourself as the architect of your career but as the sculptor. Expect to have to do a lot of hard hammering and chiselingand scraping and polishing.”
The story is this: a girl was out with friends having drinks. Â A guy approaches her and won’t leave her alone saying how cute she is. Â She finally gives in and hands the guy her business card to get rid of him.
PLEASE listen to the not one, but TWO voicemails this guy left.
After hearing them you can clearly see why she didn’t call him back – instead she called in to the Z103.5 morning show & had them play this on the air.
This is clearly one of the funniest lack of thought process ever!!!
Topics included: Breast implants as form of identification, Malaysian authorities whipping of Muslim woman for drinking alcohol, the idea of what’s a “real women” because of the Glamour ad, and tapping into your desire to get what you want out of life.
The first thing that will contribute to reaching your goal is that you simply want to reach it badly enough. Â You must learn how to desire with sufficient intensity if you want success.
When you have the desire, you have the power to attain success. Â You can really have most anything that you want, if you go after it. Â But you have to want it. Â (more…)
ST. LOUIS, Missouri (CNN) — Michael and Steven Roberts didn’t have two quarters to rub together a couple of decades ago. Now, the two African-American business leaders estimate their holdings — from hotels to TV stations — are worth $1 billion. One St. Louis hotel they own once barred black people.
“Black folks need legacy. We have to have examples of successes in order for us to be able to let the generations to come know that many of the successes that occurred by African-Americans in this country can be seen and pointed out and can be emulated,” says Michael Roberts, the chairman and CEO of The Roberts Companies.
Michael and his brother Steven, who is three years younger, stroll through their office, complete with wood-paneled doors, large leather chairs and a pool table fit for a king. Their office sits along a busy street in St. Louis called Kingshighway.
“They used to call us the Kings of Kingshighway, because we own so much on this street,” Michael Roberts says. (more…)
Topics included: Michelle Obama Shorts, Guns at Rallies, Milwaukee Mayor Get Attacked, Teenage Boy Who Sets Himself on Fire After Seeing it on YouTube, and the Danger of the Paparazzi.
Being a person who’s always trying to serve the greater good, I’m always attempting to find worth in all things. Trust me when I tell you my fellow thinkers that this isn’t the easiest task to take upon. Especially when in comes to helping others get their ideas out.
To date, I’ve never had anyone tell me what they thought was their worst idea…and they’re seldom opened to the fact that their “good” idea just might suck. Now of course I’m quite grateful because I would be forced to find another way to support myself if not for it.
Never one to complain without offering a solution, I leave you with this thought to ponder…many great ideas are not executed, and many great executioners are without great ideas. One without the other is worthless!
An Australian quadriplegic has won the right to die. An Austrailian high court has ruled that 49-year-old Christian Rossiter has won the right to refuse food and water and can be allowed to die. A Perth nursing home took the case to court after Mr Rossiter told staff repeatedly he wanted to die.
The Supreme Court of Western Australia declared that Rossiter’s care givers had a legal obligation to comply with his request to stop feeding him. The court ruled Rossiter may order his care givers at a Perth nursing home to stop feeding him via a tube in his stomach. Â (more…)
I found this excerpt from Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome quite fascinating…
“How good one feels when one is full – how satisfied with ourselves and with the world! People who have tried it, tell me that a clear conscience makes you very happy and contented; but a full stomach does the business quite as well, and is cheaper, and more easily obtained. One feels so forgiving and generous after a substantial and well-digested meal – so noble-minded, so kindly-hearted.”
Uhmm….I’ve decided to do all my future business deals over meals…LOL!!!
Brace yourself as Leandra and myself are sure to test your beliefs and provoke your thoughts as we entertain you.  Our topics range from business to politics, religion to education, relationships to self-empowerment, to pop-culture and everything else in between.  Tune in and join in the discussion where great minds don’t think a like…they think for themselves!!!
I’m honored that I have once again been given the opportunity to share my thoughts on The Huffington Post.
With your help, I can become a regular blogger on the most respected and progressive blog sites in the world, where people are truly encouraged to express their point of view.
Unfortunately, most of the people that I speak with don’t quite understand the power of the words that they choose. I say this because everything that’s said is an affirmation…not some of the things…BUTEVERYTHING!
I’ve never met a successful person who wasn’t very in tune with the power of words. This is because they all know that it’s the truest indicator of how someone thinks…and no one can ever do more than they can think.
Understand this my fellow thinkers, the words that you choose to express your thoughts are the same words that will create the choices that you’ll have in your life. Simply put, your language is and always will be the limitation of your world.
I’m not sure why, but a games company has launched a new game of Russian roulette where a toy gun bursts a balloon against the players’ heads. I would’ve loved to have been a part of the focus group on this one!!!
What does it say about the person who not only plays it themselves…but also wants you to play along? And more importantly, what does it say about you if you do?
British firm Cremation Solutions have come up with personalised urns that look just like the dearly departed. The firm uses facial reconstruction and 3D mapping software to recreate the face of your beloved.
TONIGHT’S TOPIC: Responsibility and accountability in the public office: why do politicians continue to believe they can easily betray the public’s trust and get away with it?  Can faith be restored in the people in a way that fosters trust and accountability? Tune in and join the discussion along with guest host Carmelo Garcia, Director of the Hoboken Housing Authority.
There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality…AND THEN there are those who turn one into the other…which one are you???
…or should I say more media bullshit that’s simply not supported by the facts!!!
Having visited the Netherlands a couple years ago, I can personally account for the facts presented at the end of this video. What stood out to me the most wasn’t the drug or sex shops, but the large amount of elderly people riding bikes. Now that’s something that should be adopted here in the States.
The structure is O. M. Ungers’ “Galerie der Gegenwart”—or it was before projection artists at Urbanscreen got involved. Their vision of “dreaming” architecture gave the textureless, motionless facade a dynamic new look. Some of the illusions work better than others, but overall it’s an incredible effect.