
a fellow thinkers key to an inspired life

July 16th, 2009

TheThinkMovement.com by j. sakiya sandifer

An inspired life will bring clarity to your thinking and thought process!  A disciplined thought will lead to disciplined action which delivers disciplined results.  I’ve been on this journey as a life long learner scrapping every piece of knowledge to explain the happenings of life.  How do we overcome hardship, adversity and challenging obstacles, what is the best and most resilient method? I wonder is it our attitude, skills or knowledge that builds effectiveness in the way we lead.  I strongly believe it is the seed we plant, the investments we make in nurturing, cultivating and plowing the dirt to ensure a healthy harvest of fruits that we can reap.  The road less traveled is uncommon, but worth it since it allows you to maximize your potential.

Knowing your purpose is understanding what drives you, gives your will the fortitude to accomplish great goals.  I came, I saw, I conquered and left my legacy!  How does a boy from the projects come full circle to be the executive director of the very same public housing projects?  I can share my story if you’re willing to listen carefully, embrace the struggle and farm with me as we plant more seeds that sprout, produce and share the organic process of leadership.  I’ve coined the it “C.E.A.D. P.O.P.S.” for success”

-fellow thinker
Carmelo G. Garcia
Executive Director, Hoboken Housing Authority

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Entry Filed under: Fellow Thinker, Think About It!

1 Comment

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  • 1. Max Gibson  |  July 20th, 2009 at 2:19 AM

    I’ve recently realized that blogging is my purpose and my passion. Similarly to Carmelo, I have found that I have an unparalleled desire to achieve within this realm as I believe it is my duty to do so. (Hence, why I continue to comment here and in other places).

    As always, I appreciate these insights that you present in regards to success. Each one is a stepping stone in my journey. Thank you.

    Max Gibson

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