opportunties are never lost…they’re just found by someone else!!!
June 11th, 2009
When you really think about it, all that really matters is the moment that you’re in right now. And how you respond to this very moment will have the greatest impact on your moments to come.
Look at the past simply as moments you’ve passed. There’s no reason to focus on the pot holes that are now in your rearview mirror. And if you’re paying too much attention to them, you’re more likely to hit the ones that are surely going to be in front of you.
Don’t get too caught up in future moments either, because no one is qualified to predict it 100%. It all about probability. When seeking out any opportunity in life, my best advice is to go where those opportunities are found, and then simply commit to out working any and every body in order to get it!!!
And by all means, never choose not to go after what you want because of your current moment. Understand that every moment is temporary and only extended in one’s mind!!!
I leave you with a great quote by fellow thinker Napoleon Hill that compliments my point…”Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. “
Entry Filed under: TTM Exclusive, The Thinker's Thoughts, Think About It!
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