a day of reflection
October 10th, 2008
I’ve spent most of today reflecting on the last 24 hours of my life. It felt as if I had just walked through a portal to a different reality. What I found to be the most strange was my extreme comfortableness in this new realm. And then it hit me, my outside world was starting to resemble my inside world.
Wow! Wow! Wow! That is all I kept saying to myself for most of this morning. There was a part of me still not believing that I’d just did a performance in NEW YORK FREAKING CITY! And more importantly, people showed up!!!
What most people don’t understand about my TCML performance is that I present it more like a performing artist rather than just giving a speech. A lot of people have told me that they can’t believe the fact that I can speak for 90 minutes without ever writing any of it down beforehand. Instead, I rely on what I feel in that moment. It’s my way of keeping it fresh, authentic and geniune.
For everyone who were in attendance, remember this…everything that I expressed on stage means nothing unless it’s applied to getting what you want out of life!
I will be adding some video footage next week once it’s edited.
Thanks again to all the cool people who came backstage to share their thoughts.
Enjoy the pics…
And yes Eli, I read every comment!!!
Entry Filed under: TTM Exclusive, The Thinker's Thoughts
Add your own1. Lafayette W. | October 10th, 2008 at 10:05 PM
Love your work..great inspiration to my dreams and goals. favorite author and innovator
2. aRCe | October 11th, 2008 at 4:31 PM
I wish i could go to one of your speeches but im in the uk, any chance of bringing them over here?
3. fatos | October 11th, 2008 at 5:27 PM
It’s “performances”
I wish I could go to one of your performances too. I am currently living in Denmark. I’d go to London though, if you would come there.
4. faSHIon FruiT | October 15th, 2008 at 7:30 PM
Hey Sakiyah, I been visiting your page for the past few months… I recently moved from Chicago(Wild Wild) to New York. So when I heard you was speaking in NY I jumped to the chance to hear you speak….. The overall night was Great and i could identify with all of the knowledge you expressed that night… I have been telling everyone “In life you are not given applications just situations.” Thans one of my favorite lines besides the ” Thank You and Your Welcome” & ” Getting Used to being Used, or Else Your Useless” Any Way Thanks!! it was a dream for U and a Vision for me!!
Pregression Over Recession,
5. DG135I | October 23rd, 2008 at 7:29 PM
I am asking a very honest question here, as a fan of course… Do you ever think that you are letting life pass you by, minutes at a time for over thinking? Do you think that by over analyzing your life and life in general, you are missing out on reality?
Granted, your writing is amazing but in order to create amazing work you are required to invest plenty of time and energy on a constant basis. So, what is your response? Thanks!
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