
regardless of how many doors that are opened for you…they all require you to walk thru them yourself!

July 13th, 2009

TheThinkMovement.com by j. sakiya sandifer

This thought came to me while in the city last Friday.  I had a meeting at a hotel in Soho that normally has a doorman.  For whatever reason there wasn’t one when I arrived. Not that opening a door for myself is a big deal, it’s just when my expectations aren’t met, my mind tends to wonder.

I began thinking about all of the doors of opportunity that have been opened for me in the past and how I’m doing the same for others now.  The thought that stood out to me the most was regardless of who opens a door for you, it will mean nothing if you don’t choose to walk through it yourself.

Unfortunately I’ve seen too many people on my journey who haven’t understood that it is their sole responsibility to make that choice.  Often they looked for someone else to carry them over the threshold like the husband is to do for his new bride…and I’m not sure if that still really happens except for in the movies…LOL!!!

I know this might sounds really simple, but like most things in life…it is!  So I urge you…don’t become a master of  making the simple complicated.

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Entry Filed under: BraiNutrition, The Thinker's Thoughts, Think About It!

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