
“think think think and think again” book excerpt

April 1st, 2008

 Talent Skills Discipline

The concept for this page came to me during a career day presentation at a middle school in New Jersey.  In the mist of the Q & A session, I found myself fascinated with the motivational posters above the chalk boards.  They actually motivated me to create my own version of what could be in every class or locker room in the world.  >>>

Book Excerpt:

It takes TALENT to get a tryout, SKILLS to make the team and DISCIPLINE to win championships.

Most are born with some type of talent. Just think of how many people you know who have said “I have always been good at ______.� Now think of how many people you know who are making a living from their talent. Unfortunately, most don’t take the time to develop their talents into skills and even less of them become disciplined in it. What good is it to take the time to develop a talent into a skill and never become disciplined enough to know the how/when/where/why to apply it to its fullest. Think about it: Professional sports are full of talented and skilled individuals, but how many CHAMPIONS does it have?

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Entry Filed under: Book, BraiNutrition, TTM Exclusive, Think About It!

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