
believe in nothing

January 29th, 2009


Why do I believe what I believe?

Is it more due to what I’ve been taught or what I’ve learned in my life?  This is a must know for anyone who really wants to define their own life…but how?

I’ve come up with one solution so far…to believe in nothing! And when I say nothing, that includes oneself.  I think this process will naturally produce more objective inquiries about everything, thus allowing one to get to the core reason of the belief.

With that said, do you think your life would change for the better or the worse with such a drastic paradigm shift?

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Entry Filed under: The Thinker's Thoughts


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  • 1. fladap  |  January 29th, 2009 at 1:42 PM

    I totally understand where your coming from with this idea, it reverts to Ghandis yearn for us to “question everything” and find truth in us and the world around us.

    But to not “believe in nothing” is the SAME as “believing in something” because in the end you hope that your decision to believe or not was right for “defining your life”. So there couldn’t be a drastic paradigm shift.

    “…I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else” c s lewis

  • 2. leandra  |  January 29th, 2009 at 2:52 PM

    fladap, i concur that believing in ‘nothing’ is believing in ’something,’ but it is definitely a dramatic paradigm shift.

    you go from “i think this is important” to “i don’t think necessarily think it is. why or why not?”

    it will be however dramatic you allow it to be. when you start to look at social conventions such as relationships and marriage, religion, social, economic and political structure, beauty, education, etc., you can get into some really deep things. and your mind MAY change about a lot.

    this is an interesting path to travel down because the hardest and most important part isn’t the releasing of what you formerly believed, but what you begin to believe after that process.

    it is totally freeing, yet ridiculously scary, to release your preconceived notions in order to define your own world. i’ve done it once before and i need to do it again.

  • 3. fladap  |  January 30th, 2009 at 12:14 AM

    point taken. thanks for enlightenment leandra.

  • 4. leandra  |  January 30th, 2009 at 4:20 PM

    thank you for giving me something to think about. :)

  • 5. moe  |  February 2nd, 2009 at 3:15 PM

    I recently read this, and I think it applies:


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