
clearly hip hop has no boundaries…

November 10th, 2008

…so I ask you, is that necessarily a good thing!!!

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Entry Filed under: Humor, Think About It!, Video


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  • 1. FGP  |  November 10th, 2008 at 9:05 PM

    Heyy SaKiya.

    I wanted to get in touch directly to you so I’m commenting here if that’s all good. I’ve get set up a new global inspirational people project called The Front Gates Project. You can check it out here http://thefrontgatesproject.blogspot.com not sure what you’ll think of it buit it’s all about finding inspiration and inspiring others to follow their dreams. Inspired by a lot of things and events that have happened. I hope you can feel and connect with the project, it’s from the heart. Take a look. Peace, thank you and YOU are an inspiration. Take it easy.

  • 2. fatos  |  November 11th, 2008 at 7:15 AM

    haha! fuun and creative as hell!
    a thing that has no boundaries always has a good and bad sides.

    the bad thing about some hip hop music though is that any kind of bad language can be used and accepted and listened to. by some artists and people.

    Let me also add that I love hip hop of all my heart. For me good hip hop is like poetry! Not that I read peoptry but compensate through hip hop artists like Common. or Lupe. or Kanye.

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