
the beauty of the human mind

September 22nd, 2008


I believe that what is right is totally relative to perspective. The human mind can, will and does justify anything that it wants! There is no absolute right or wrong, a real scary thought for those who have a need to believe in absolutes.

The beautiful part of this way of thinking is that you have complete control of what’s right for you.  Anytime that someone attempts to thrust their idea upon me, I always put it through the “how’s does this benefit me” filter.  And why shouldn’t I?  I know that at any given time, no man is ever beyond doing something that another man thinks is a total waste of time.

The dangerous component of this way of thinking is man himself. Sigmund Freud said, “Men are more moral than they think and far more immoral than they can imagine.”  The issue I take with this is why does it seem that the “moral” tend to always let the “immoral” control them?  Even in this day of having what seems to be infinite access to information, I wonder if it could be something that’s innate which causes this condition to continue?

The reason why I call our innate sensibilities into question is that the intellectuals who are in control will always play on emotions and never to intellect.  You know the tactic, tell them what that want to hear but never what they need to hear.  It’s so freaking obvious to me! And no matter how much information is revealed, the same patterns continue.  Maybe Aristotle was dead on when he said, “It is thus clear that, just as some are by nature free, and others are by nature slaves, and for these latter the condition of slavery is both beneficial and just.”

But hey like I said earlier, “The human mind can, will and does justify anything that it wants!”

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Entry Filed under: The Thinker's Thoughts


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  • 1. Carol Ann A.  |  September 22nd, 2008 at 7:58 PM

    wish i was as wise as you.

  • 2. PJ Nosworthy, Sydney, Australia  |  September 22nd, 2008 at 8:35 PM

    Great to hear your thoughts on this area.
    What a scary place to be though.

    To believe that truth can be identified and articulated amongst the myriad emotions and motivations of a man’s heart – that is a bold and foolhardy statement.

    It is said that a respect for the things that you do not understand is the true beginning of wisdom.
    Therefore – to position wisdom in the eye of the individual opens the door to a realm of floored multiplicity.

    There are as many opinions as there are voices – but truth has always been and will always be truth. That truth is truth to you is not truth.

    As for me? The older I get, the more I realize how little I know.

  • 3. Goddes  |  September 24th, 2008 at 7:21 PM

    What you saying is so real (as always). The mind is so powerful and if we as humans only knew how to use it. We can control our own destiny based off of our thought process. If we think negative things we get negative results, if we think positively then that’s what we bring off. Instead of embracing our thoughts and feelings, we become slaves to it leaving us trapped and failures. What you give off to the universe you get back. Thx for your great mind and sharing your positive thoughts with us.

  • 4. Rich  |  January 29th, 2009 at 3:44 PM

    This is the only iffy thing I have with my beliefs in God. I will always stay true to my faith, but is it all because my perspective? Would I believe the same thing If I were brought up in an African Jungle somewhere?

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