May 26th, 2010
A big part of NOT achieving success is due to people not willing to sacrifice. I’ve yet to meet or study a mega successful person who hasn’t had to make daily sacrifices in order to make it happen.
I personally find it really offensive when people are quick to tell me what they want, but then aren’t willing to sacrifice in order to make it happen because it conflicts with their social life…uhgg I mean seriously!!!
Regardless of how big or small the goal, in order to increase the probability of success, the universe requires a 100% focus and dedication to it.
And not trying to sound too harsh, but understand that 100% focus and dedication WILL NOT and CANNOT be achieved by the weak minded.
Even if by some fluke of nature a weak minded person hits it big, the chances of them being able to sustain the moment is about as likely as Disney going into the cartoon porn business. Yeah it could happen, but what are the chances?
Trust me when I tell you that the universe has a funny way of tempting you with conflicting wants in every stage of your journey and no matter how you look at it, in order to come up, there’s going to be something that you’ll have to be willing to give up!
Entry Filed under: The Thinker's Thoughts
Add your own1. Robert Nieves | May 26th, 2010 at 6:34 PM
I agree 100%, sacrafice is necessary to make it to the finish line. Greatness isn’t achieved by sitting on the beach all summer or sipping hot cocoa all winter. It requires hard work, focus and dedication to one day be able to sit on the beach and look back at what you’ve done and plan your next bigger move!!!
2. Khaba Mkhize | May 27th, 2010 at 6:00 AM
So true. This post definitely hit home.
3. Eddie | May 27th, 2010 at 10:20 AM
Another Gem!
4. Khaba Mkhize | May 27th, 2010 at 11:26 AM
This definitely hit home…..
5. Des | May 29th, 2010 at 6:52 PM
yes, i totally agree! Great words.
6. Ntsu | June 17th, 2010 at 8:16 AM
I think the one aspect that ties this topic together is passion.
I think the common denominator of all mega successful individuals is that theyre totally consumed and passionate about their work. and its been said, that when you discover your passion you will never work another day in your life. so in theory, sacrifice and discipline to the motivated and passionate individual become almost unconcious habits that naturally develop.
and i think its when you operate at this level that you no longer view those sacrifices as burdens. maybe this should be emphasized more. find your passion and simply do what you love. chances are the ones struggling to make those sacrifices dont have good enough reasons to want to commit in the first instance.
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