
fellow thinker leandra williams’ answer…

March 10th, 2010

TheThinkMovement.com by j. sakiya sandifer

Philosophers question.  They probe and by seeking a deeper meaning and understanding of themselves and their place in the world, by extension, they seek a deeper meaning and understanding of the world at large.  Philosophers offer society their unbridled curiosity and healthy skepticism in the form of inquiry and theory, housed within a dual disposition towards destruction and creation.

Educator and author Carter G. Woodson said, “When you control a man’s thinking, you do not have to worry about his actions.” It’s not possible to control the thinking of the person who consistently seeks understanding as well as ideological autonomy. By offering offering a different mental landscape, the philosopher subsequently offers a new vision.

“Think about it” is the philosopher’s modus operandi and as such, they’re virtually incapable of just going along with the status quo. To do so always represents a life of internal struggle and dissatisfaction.  By sharing their ideas of what they believe things really are and how they could be, they push society forward by endangering thought processes and systems that seek to create or maintain social standstill.

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Entry Filed under: Fellow Thinker

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