
a fellow thinker’s great quote

March 1st, 2010

TheThinkMovement.com by j. sakiya sandifer

via www.Harrysworld.com.au

Today I met a lady who told me that I was wasting my time with social media.  She said that it was a waste of time and that we (society) don’t need it, especially twitter.

I took a few deep breaths and listened to her opinions then tried to explain that it is a very powerful tool that should be embraced and used in a positive way.  She continued to tell me we don’t need it as she expressed her hatred of twitter and other forms of social media.

I again took a few deep breaths to try to think of something prudent to say then out of nowhere a cool analogy came to me.  I said in a very respectful way, it’s true we don’t need social media just like how you don’t need to wear make up.  And depending on how you apply it, it can be either positive or negative.

I certainly did not come across as rude, but it did make her stop and think about the analogy.

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Entry Filed under: Fellow Thinker, Think About It!

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