what makes sense to you???
July 30th, 2008
I recently found myself thinking about what I considered the most invaluable possession in my world…and to no surprise I concluded that it’s me!!!
Of course I had to ponder what is it about myself that I couldn’t (or should I say wouldn’t want to) live without. For whatever reason, the five senses came to mind and I know for sure that I wouldn’t want to (or should I say couldn’t) live without sight or hearing.
So I ask you all the same, out of the five senses, which one couldn’t or wouldn’t you want to live without???
Entry Filed under: The Thinker's Thoughts, Think About It!
Add your own1. DJ BackSide | July 30th, 2008 at 1:52 PM
hearing for sure and sight a VERY VERY VERY close second…without music i’m non-existant tho, so…if i couldn’t hear it, i’d essentially be dead. *sigh*
anyways…here’s my official thanx for the book: http://www.djbackside.com/2008/07/think-movement-join-it.html
http://www.djbackside.com And go.
2. faShionistA ThiNker | July 30th, 2008 at 1:54 PM
My sight is one of my most important senses. After a car accident my sight was damaged and i had to depend on other people eyes to get me where i was going.. But today i can proudly see and i even have healthy eyes with 20/20 vision… They say the eyes are the windows to the soul.. So i guess I’m a strong person after all!!!
3. Tuesdai Noelle | July 30th, 2008 at 7:11 PM
My sight.
4. TandA | July 30th, 2008 at 7:16 PM
Tough one. I love the female body way too much give up my sight, and I love the way a woman sounds when being pleasured, so I can’t give up my hearing…hmmm….the sense of touch, come on…guys…you know how good it feels…so thats not going…taste…food tastes good as well…so I guess I’d give up the sense of smell…seems unnecessary to me.
5. NT | July 30th, 2008 at 8:06 PM
Sight and hearing. Mos def.
6. mr. good | July 30th, 2008 at 10:49 PM
I couldn’t go on without music.
7. aRCe | July 31st, 2008 at 6:26 AM
I’ve also thought about this before, I agree with you, hearing and sight are the most important. I think its because these are needed for us to communicate, the other senses just let us experience our world in great ways.
8. Terrence | August 4th, 2008 at 5:04 PM
Initially I would say I wouldn’t want to live without my sense of hearing. I can always use what I hear to paint a picture of what I don’t see. But the narcissist in me says that I need to be sure that I’m looking my very best when others see me. Hard to say, I’m leaning more toward hearing though!
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