
the delicate balance

April 27th, 2009

TheThinkMovement.com by j. sakiya sandifer

One thing that I know for sure is when striving towards your goals, there is a thin line between being realistic and being straight up delusional.  This is when it’s extremely important that you be completely honest with yourself…with not only where you’re going, but where you currently are.

Unfortunately I’ve seen a lot of people get so lost in their goals that they miss out on opportunities that could’ve helped them.  Don’t allow yourself to get blinded by the brightness and allure of your dreams.  Now by all means once you made up your mind of what your going to do, go out and do it…but understand that there are many steps required to get there.  And not one step is more important than the other.  Until your goal is reached, consider each step as bridge to your destiny.

And PLEASE THINK carefully about your goals!  I find nothing more tragic than a goal that’s not well thought out.  The one that really bothers me the most is when someone is just trying to live out something seen on TV.  This is because I know that the final product of what’s shown on TV is not fairly balanced with reality and illusion…it’s mostly illusion.  And if you don’t understand that, it’s a good chance that you will become delusional.

A final thought to ponder…most people aren’t on TV because of who they are, it’s because of who they wanted to be…and usually it’s a BIG difference!!!

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Entry Filed under: The Thinker's Thoughts

1 Comment

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  • 1. lisa  |  April 29th, 2009 at 7:27 AM

    i agree there is an incredibly thin line between being ‘realistic and being downright dillusional’
    in the two decades that i have been around, i have found that many a people settle for mediocrity in the name of contentment, a malaise fanned by the belief that’it could have been worse’
    why would man not push himself to his limits…maybe there are no limits… we get scared of setting high goals because we are afraid of just how powerful we are…we are petrified of seing our brains bring to fruitition fetes that we think only the gods are capable of..

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