
thank you and you’re welcome in action!!!

June 4th, 2009

 TheThinkMovement.com by j. sakiya sandifer

via Harry’s World

Roughly four months ago, I was browsing through youtube and watched a video “The Think Movement has begun� which really appealed to me.

I remember feeling so energised and inspired by the short video.  I was thinking “This guy who is speaking on the clip is exactly what I am about!�

The guy’s name was Sakiya Sandifer and the name rang a bell although I could not remember where from. After replaying the video I realised that I had heard of the name Sakiya Sandifer because I had one of the books he co-wrote with Kanye West entitled “Thank You And You’re Welcome.”

I ordered the book from Kanye West’s website and have it sitting on my coffee table! It contains many awesome and inspiring quotes and is very easy to read. One of my favourite quotes in the book is, “Would you believe in, what you believe in, if no-one else believed in it?”

Not knowing whether or not he would reply I immediately felt compelled to contact Sakiya to tell him what I thought of his video. I sent him an email via Sakiya’s personal assistant and within 24 hours I received a reply from him.

He thanked me for reaching out to him and we immediately struck up a kinship. After sending a few emails back and forth about various ideas it was evident that we were definitely on the same page so we decided to converse via Skype.

Speaking to Sakiya directly is such a privilege for me as each time we speak he always leaves me inspired to push myself to greater heights.

Despite our time difference (Sakiya lives in Jersey City, New Jersey in the United States) of 14 hours we regularly speak and trade ideas and thoughts.

We are currently working on a collaboration of some sort in the near future which is going to be extremely exciting.

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Entry Filed under: Book, Think About It!

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