
the power of sex….

March 17th, 2009


I’ve often heard how a person’s sex drive is paralleled to their success in life.  Although it might hold some truth, I’m not completely sold on that theory since I’ve come across plenty of horny losers in my life time.

A good friend of mine once told me that most successful people know that nothing drives us more than sex and simply have learned how to transfer that energy towards their goals in life.  Can you think of anything more powerful???

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Entry Filed under: Humor, Think About It!


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  • 1. Dynamic  |  March 17th, 2009 at 6:55 PM

    A person’s sex drive can be constructed depending on their experiences. Take porno actresses for instance. They are developed to perform a certain way in order to satisfy viewers. It might seem as though their sex drive and energy level is at an all time high, but they are trained into that structure. That IS NOT their natural energy nor sex drive.

    Their inability to act based on their NATURAL sex drive causes the psychological formation of lack of conscious. The industry’s control of sexual behavior never allows the actresses to perform based on pure human behavior. This is why many of the actresses are subdued to changing their bodies. Breast size, weight, and looks are few of the many changes made by their inability to feel comfortable with themselves based on what “viewers” want in a female. Porno actresses lack self conscious as well as self confidence because of the controlled state.

    Confidence plays a huge part in sex drive. Without confidence an individuals performance may be low ranked, therefore, bringing the individuals sex drive at an all time low. Confidence is more powerful than sex itself. Confidence is paralleled to ones success in life and paralleled to ones sex drive.

    Sex with great confidence is just the icing of the cake. :)

    What do you think?

  • 2. moe  |  March 18th, 2009 at 12:24 PM

    Actually I’m in the process of reading a book called “Think and Grow Rich” (which I would recommend to ANYone that visits this blog). It’s by this guy hired by Carnegie to do a study on the underlying philosophies of about 500 highly successful people, and it took him around 25 years to complete the research.

    Anyway, coincidentally, the very chapter I’m on right now is dealing with sexual energy and how it is one of the most powerful forces in our lives (along with love, fear, etc. in a list of 10, most of which being positive). He dubbed the technique “Sex Transmutation” which essentially meant directing your sexual energy into other tasks. I’m not sure how yet, but I also haven’t finished the chapter. I just thought y’all would find that interesting.

    Check that book out!

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