does this only seem weird because it’s in current times?
March 5th, 2009
First let me say that I definitely had a “WTF” moment when I saw this image of Obama depicted as a saint on these votive candles.  Seriously, what does this mean and how will this be explained 3 generations from now?  Pandora’s Box on “what’s a saint” has definitely been blown wide opened for me. I can’t help but to wonder how or if this applies to other symbolisms throughout history.
Entry Filed under: Think About It!
1 Comment
Add your own1. elle | March 5th, 2009 at 11:52 PM
for me, it strikes a different chord. it makes me think of the nwo and the false prophet described in revelations. am i saying obama is him? no, but it definitely makes me think of what is to come.
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