
seriously…if you saw this, would you be the one who takes a picture?

December 1st, 2008

TheThinkMovement.com by j. sakiya sandifer

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Entry Filed under: Humor, Think About It!


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  • 1. Clyde Smith  |  December 1st, 2008 at 2:23 PM

    Wonder who the photographer was?

  • 2. fatos  |  December 1st, 2008 at 5:14 PM

    this picture leaves me with a lot of questions.. where is this place? where does all the light come from..? and what kind of animals are those? what is in the background?

    it’s a cool pic anyway!
    surrealistic somehow.. hmm.

    I’d take a picture if and then I’d ruuuuuuun like forrest gump :D

  • 3. Young Mind  |  December 1st, 2008 at 8:46 PM

    Great photo… kind a creepy tho. And to answer your question… No, I wouldn’t take this photo. I’d be the guy BEHIND the guy who took the photo. Lol.

  • 4. Hmmm  |  December 3rd, 2008 at 8:22 PM

    I was there…and yes, it was scary.

  • 5. Mo  |  December 4th, 2008 at 7:18 AM

    only if i had a big dog.

    or if i was with someone i know i’m faster than

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