September 4th, 2008
Enter the self proclaimed “Genius behind the Geniusâ€� on Kanye West’s latest book “Thank You and Your Welcome“, Co-Author Sakiya Sandifer. Our introspective banter veered from the key’s of life, to the latest iPhone applications, to possibilities of world peace, and among all these topics the denominator remained the same, a return right back to equilibrium. This is a glimpse into the intellect of one of our generations truly gifted thinkers. His first book Think Think Think and Think Again, a collection of personal euphemisms, catalyzed a movement and became foundation for the curriculum of the 2006-2007 Youth Development Program in Hoboken, NJ. This is a man that sees the correlations between the ebb and flow of the universe and your personal struggles, a man that sparks people to get what they want out of their lives, and a man that ultimately sparked likes of Kanye. NWS recently got a chance to chop it up with the guru on his success, and the nature of the universe, here are his truths.Â
CLICK HERE to read full read full interview at
Entry Filed under: Humor, Technology, Think About It!, politics
1 Comment
Add your own1. erica | September 8th, 2008 at 1:13 AM
so does you name change to Dr.Sakiya West ..just kiddin but I liked the interview.
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