so great that it makes you want to hate
December 22nd, 2009
I was reading fellow thinker Harry Webbers’ blog ( recently about how when you see something so freaking great, that a part of you hates that it wasn’t something that you created. Mr. Webber’s example was the Converse ad where Mos Def did the narration with just a CGI ball moving throughout a empty gym. The first thing that came to my mind was the this Apple Commercial that I originally posted in August of 2008.
I remember first seeing the Apple billboard for this campaign. It was a picture of Albert Einstein with just the Apple logo over the words “think different”. Of course that appealed to me on a multitude of levels. One being the obvious “think different” which I’ve done all of my life. Secondly, the genius execution of thought association. I’ve always understood that things are defined by what a person is comparing the thing to. I was just in complete awe of how an ad with just two simple words, one picture and logo placement told a complete story of what a product was and more importantly what a product was not.
How could I not hate myself just a tad bit for not putting myself in a position to compete with the best? This is why I will never settle for what is just considered good. My soul will never be at ease with a mediocre performance on my part. I’ve seen too many examples of greatness not to want to have my ideas included with them…in other words, my work is NEVER OVER!!! (say it in the Kanye “Stronger” voice…LOL!!!)
Entry Filed under: Business, Think About It!
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