
when will michael jackson jokes be acceptable?

June 30th, 2009

TheThinkMovement.com by j. sakiya sandifer

BBC Three has dropped a repeat episode of the US cartoon Family Guy because it had jokes about Michael Jackson in it (including a shot of Jackson in bed with Stewie the baby).

The Mock the Week comedian Frankie Boyle has quit his column at a Scottish tabloid newspaper because it refused to publish his jokes about Jackson.

And, as was reported on Friday, a scene with Jackson’s sister LaToya has been cut from Sacha Baron Cohen’s Bruno film (Bruno made fun of her brother’s voice).

But of course there will come a time, as happened with Princess Diana, when it’s deemed socially acceptable for comedians to make cracks about Jackson. All I’d like to know is: how is it decided when that will be?

Will there will be a secret conference of worldwide broadcasting bigwigs, pensively chewing their lips while poring over a calendar and examining the results of hastily commissioned opinion polls and focus groups?

Will they take out a full-page ad in Billboard magazine to inform the world of the joke-acceptability watershed?

Will crowds gather in Time Square in the hours leading up to midnight on the day before, to count down the seconds before professional comics’ Jackson jokes can at last be set loose into the world?

via: www.Telegraph.co.uk

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