
is this the core demographic that the media says has so much voting influence?

April 29th, 2008

Way to go genius!

As I watch some of the cable news shows, at times I get extremely annoyed by how they speak to the listener as if they’re all stupid.  I just can’t figure out how they’re able to get away with it.  Why is there no mass public outrage for them now clearly making the news instead of just reporting the news?  They’re constantly making stories that are designed to create an emotional reaction.  The main problem I have with this is when a decision is made based on emotions, that’s a decision made without thinking.  Now ask yourself, how many times has that worked in your favor?

And for all those who are some how offended by this picture…uhmm…I wonder why?!

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Entry Filed under: Think About It!

1 Comment

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  • 1. legacy  |  September 15th, 2008 at 5:07 AM

    Thank you !!!! Thank you! Thank you!!!!
    The news is literally the worst thing in the world. They share pointless information I could have went the day without knowing. The talk about over weight cats five times a day, or say something rediculous in one of 000’s of headlines to get you to continue watching. They did a story talking about organic foods, on how espensive they’re . They went on explaining that we “may” be wasting our money they didn’t say are, they know how to use words. They summed it up with the worst note of all saying, with these studies they found no trace of additional nutrients in organic foods. I nearly lossed it, being a person that loves organics. I yelled at the t.v. No duh (other word used) that’s not what organics are for, its for pesticides. Haha and at the very end they say “though the food was no tested for pesticides.” Oh my, are they serious?

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