Add comment | December 8th, 2013
inspirational awesomeness on so many levels
Read more at –>
Add comment | January 12th, 2012
worth re-posting: the beauty of the mind
I believe that what is right is totally relative to perspective. The human mind can, will and does justify anything that it wants! There is no absolute right or wrong, a real scary thought for those who have a need to believe in absolutes.
The beautiful part of this way of thinking is (more…)
Add comment | November 20th, 2011
a quote that my 15 year old daughter recently shared with me…enjoy!!!
Add comment | May 19th, 2011
i still get a fuzzy feeling in the pit of my soul when shipping out my books…special thanks to mat bartnik and bev petersen from australia as well as don ryals from california who books just shipped!!!
Add comment | November 17th, 2010
sad or funny as hell…you decide!
Big shout out to Nicole Poree-Zayas for the link!!!
Add comment | October 28th, 2010
special thanks to everyone who continues to support my dreams…big shout out to amanda karadsheh of allentown, pa and mats midttun of olso, norway who recently purchased a copy!!!
Add comment | October 13th, 2010
never let anything stop you from moving forward J. Sakiya Sandifer from Still Group Studios on Vimeo.
Add comment | September 24th, 2010
I want to sincerely thank everybody who took the time to be in attendance at Hunter College yesterday. I’m always so honored to have the opportunity to present my ideas. Not one time has ever passed that I haven’t pinch myself because it really feels like I’m living inside one of my dreams. It’s hard for me to find the words to describe the feeling I get when people are willing to stand in long lines to meet me. I find myself saying to myself “Is this actually happening? Can anybody else see this? Be cool ice cold…be cool…LOL” Yesterday was simply a glimpse of my thoughts and feelings. For two and half hours, I embodied the promise that I made to myself to be an example of what’s possible if you align a strong will that absolutely refuses to quit with intellect and a genuine intent to spark those who seek to create a positive change in their life. Until the next time, dare to be you my fellow thinkers…dare to be you!!!
photo by William Yan
1 comment | September 23rd, 2010
thanks to everyone again who continue to support my dreams…big shout out to deive carmello from santo andre brazil who just purchased a book!!!
Add comment | August 30th, 2010
great read…enjoy!!!
According to neuroscience studies, the adage that you should “be careful what you ask for” has more teeth to it than you might imagine. Your brain is very good at attending to whatever you direct it to. It’s kind of like when you go to buy a car and you think you’re the only person in the world who will have that shiny, bright purple VW Bug; then you drive it off the lot, and it seems every other car is just like yours. The Bugs were always out there, but it took a focusing event to get them onto your radar screen and noticed by you.
Thoughts, goals and ideas work the same way, and you can increase your brain’s considerable input on them if you learn to ask your brain nicely and deliberately to get involved. You can create your perfect world if you know what you’re looking for and–perhaps more importantly–if you pay attention to how your brain is fed.
This process works with negative thoughts, as well. As I teach in classes on emotional intelligence, crap will find you all day long, especially if you expect it. It will parachute into your office without an invitation and typically won’t leave when you want it to. You don’t have to go looking for it. It will find you. If you are dwelling on the bad stuff, it will find you more quickly and readily, and you won’t be primed for the things that will make you successful. Good things need to be noticed. We generally have to be more deliberate about the positive. Your brain will help you find innovative ways to do it. Just prime it, and it will be there for you.
Here are a few tips on how to make your thoughts work for you: (more…)
Add comment | August 23rd, 2010
a must see for all my fellow creatives…elizabeth gilbert on nurturing creativity…enjoy!!!
Add comment | August 6th, 2010